Our hall had a pianist too. Several people also practiced their string instruments and would occasionally accompany the pianist. The pianist would also let younger ones practice small parts on the piano so they could join her when playing for the hall. The DO put an end to all live music one year. A few years later when we build a new KH, the piano must have been sold. Also, when I was younger I loved it on Thursdays when one of the songs was sung in a special way. The brother would the the congregation which group would sing the next portion (now, sisters! now, children!, etc.) The kids usually got the repetious portions. It was fun. That was ended too - an announcement from the stage explained that it took away from seriousness of the message and purpose of the meetings. Over the years the WBTS just keeps killing any joy a JW can get out of life. I guess you do have to suffer now to be in order to please the WBTS. I was frustrated with my wedding because only JW music was allowed. I don't see why I couldn't have had some classical music played or live JW music. Also, the audience was not allowed to sing to any of the JW songs. We were going to have copies of a few songs on each seat.
White Waves
JoinedPosts by White Waves
The song book
by KW13 in.
lol, i was thinking...how long before folks get sick of the same songs time and time again...will they ever get a new book?.
i reckon some nwa instrumentals wouldn't go a-miss
Daniel Book
by 5thGeneration inmy super zealous father told me the other day how he just "loved" studying the daniel book for the second time.
he got "so much more out of it this time".
holy crap, give me a break!.
White Waves
I think this is the most boring book yet. The first time the new book was studied, I stopped going to the bookstudy. It is reading and re-reading the verses of Daniel by the bookstudy reader and then again by the audience and finding a million ways to misconstrue the meanings. Only good thing was the studies ended early every time.
Important Press Release tomorrow - want to take part webmasters and others?
by Dogpatch inwe are planning an important press release tomorrow to coincide with the special talk on sunday, it will be a shocker.
if you manage a website or are good at pr and email distribution, email me at [email protected].
we want as much wide coverage as possible and on as many websites as possible!.
White Waves
Oh, I can't wait to see this!!!
May I pay for your wedding? And your baby shower? and your house warming?
by LDH inok i know it was not just upstate new york that had this problem.
of all the jw weddings i went to, i can think of 3 that were catered.
all the rest, the congregation members paid for.
White Waves
Most of the JW weddings in my area are "bring a dish" If the couple are from 2 different KH, the cong where the wedding takes place brings the "warm dishes" and the the other KH the snacks and desserts. My biggest complaints were pitiful music and no liquor, just generic room temperature soda. The worst wedding I went to the bride and groom served PIZZA HUT PIZZA to 200_ people (on plastic plates, of course). I had no idea Pizza Hut could deliver that many pizzas, but 4 guys brought in all in. The bridal party was late so the pizza was cold for all. Again, no liquor and I can't even remember if there was music. Needless to say, we left early and went out to eat for real food. Never had a housewarming party to go to but same with baby/wedding showers and 25/50 yr wedding anniversaries. Looks like you gotta be married to celebrate.
The fallout and the pain
by lola28 ini got an email back from an elder this morning and it looks like the boe is going to treat my email as a letter of disassociation.
he said he was sad but would forward my email to the congregation that currently has my publishers card.
this wonderful elder also took the liberty of calling a brother that im really close to and told him about my email, he also sent him a copy (this brother is not an elder!).
White Waves
They are outing you to beat you to it. So they have the last word. If they did give a copy to your non-elder friend, he will see for himself you did not DA yourself. This may raise questions for him about how the elders are exercising their power. I would still talk to this friend and see where the two of you are at. Meanwhile, BEFORE they announce you are DA'd, you'll have to decide if you want to protest this move. If so, get an elder from another congregation involved to stop the process and involve a higher level - CO or DO. Otherwise, you'll only receive lies from your own hall in order for them to not be wrong - elders are never wrong.
Do you think it bothers elders, to know they can not control us now?
by free2beme inlast summer i went to a wedding of a relative that is a witness.
we're not disfellowshipped or disassociated, but have been inactive for about ten years.
because no one mentions our history to others, very few members of our relatives congregations, even know we used to be witnesses.
White Waves
Absolutely free2beme!! You can see the Borg police squinting at your badge. I remember being so thirsty one miserably hot district assembly day - everyone had to bring their own food and beverages but coolers weren't allowed in the center. I went to an "out of order" soda machine and put my money in. I had my husband with me because past experience has shown me I get less grief that way. Out popped my soda and these idiots, who had gathered and were watching closely, swarmed us. But they spoke to my husband, not me, and asked why he had disregarded the sign and asked if he could read. I had stopped wearing my badge years ago and my husband had taken his off. These idiots said they should confiscate the soda since it is against the convention policy to use the machines at the center and others would follow our lead (like the lemmings they are). I popped it open and began drinking as they spoke. I walked away several feet and let my husband see how right I was about the idiocy of pions with power.
1st post, but not new!
by brother inhello everyone, been browsing the forum for quite a while now(about a year) and decided its time to post.
i'm male, just turned 36 on the first of april, i've been in a the process of fading for about two years now, not that easy having come from a witness family.
i've been in doubt about this religion for most of my life, but finally built up the courage to stop going to the meetings, finding out now how big and beautiful this world is and realizing how much i missed out on "real" life!.....i started to fade about the time i was being pushed, yes pushed into becoming a ms. i did not want to have that duty, and i say duty, not "privelege" as they would say because thats what it is, a duty!
White Waves
Welcome, Brother!!
Your avatar looks like a pic from a JW publication I remember... Is it??? Just a wondering...
Life IN or Out of JW's suck
by Smoky ini've been keeping tabs on my old congregation for the last 3+ years (i dont even remember when was the last time i went to a meeting) it is not easy, i have joined a site named 'bebo' and have a handfull of so called 'friends' in my network.
mostly from my old congregation, they seem to acknowledge my existence, but keep there distance.
no one ever invites me to anything or to hang out.. time flies and things change.
White Waves
Smoky - I was in the same place for years and years, even before I decided to offically be gone. I realized I was basically blackballed by the JWs and had no one outside... I had created my own hell. You need to make a decision and ACT on it. When I was brave enough to try making friends outside the JWs it was hard, it still is. Most are ones I've met through my boyfriend. I was so sheltered in the JWs and like other comments, programmed to be so critical on others and me. Trust me - it is worth the effort. My life is becoming fuller. I am learning what friends really are and that I I am worthy. You are worthy. Believe it and reach out. We are alway here on the Web for you too.
Oldflames predictions for the future !
by oldflame inyou know something friends ?
i watch a lot of news, i guess you can ay i am a news junkie of sorts.
everyday something is happening in the world that seems to leading to one thing.
White Waves
NOTTTT THE END!!! It could be SO MUCH worse.
Life after JW
by Mr. Rebel8 inas you all know from my introduction, i'm not a former jw.
i was raised rc, though like ever good rc, i got to church no more than twice a year (christmas and easter).
if there was a wedding or a funeral that year, i generally skip one or both of the holidays to boot.
White Waves
I left the JWs over 2 yrs ago but was basically inactive for years. About a year ago I finally felt open to the idea of another religion but did didn't pursue it. My guy is a Lutheran. I've gone a few times. We talk religion. He will NEVER be a JW - THANK GOD!!! He's agreed to the ELCA Lutheran version in place of the stricter version he grew up with. Since I can take part without having to go through the confirmation classes and ceremony I like it and I don't feel pressurized. He would like to go more - but I am not ready for that - maybe someday I will be, maybe not.